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It's Alive! Sort of...

This is the first post from the new computer. It’s been every bit the ordeal I feared it would be.

First, of course, there’s all the setup, download, update, register, etc., etc., etc. That’s taken hours all in itself.

Then you go through it all again for the software applications you are actually going to use.

After all those hurdles are clear, there’s …[MORE]

Craving Denied

I’m at the mercy of my own self-indulgent nature when I get a food craving. I’m not saying I have no self-control. I can resist for days, weeks, even months, but when the craving runs deep it will not be denied indefinitely. Sooner or later, I must give in.

Given that eventuality, my usual reaction is to go ahead and indulge, just to …[MORE]

The Rare Gem

When it comes to technological innovation, I’m generally a very late adopter. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of my friends consider me a near-Luddite.

I don’t hate technology per se, but I do believe that 85% of it is meaningless noise and pointless consumerism. I’m only interested in those aspects of tech that actually improve …[MORE]

Arm Wrestling with Satan

My laptop is in a potential death struggle with Bill Gates, and while the war will no doubt be lost in the end, I still hope to survive this battle. I’m in no mood to go computer shopping.

If I don’t post here for a day or two, it’s probably technical issues. If I’m absent longer …[MORE]

Click Here If You've Lost Your Password

Ages ago, an ingenuous young friend said to me, “Computers sure do simplicate things.” I laughed for days, and I’ve never forgotten it.

Decades later, my life is so simplicated I can hardly stand it. In the course of a normal working day I might have launched and used as many as 18 different software applications and user interfaces. Each …[MORE]

Words of the Day

From the time I resurrected this blog, I determined not to let the current political quagmire seep into it. I pointedly avoid my own political posts on Facebook, as I dislike when others do it incessantly.

Anyone who knows me, knows where I stand. I’m not shy and I’m not cowed. I just have other priorities, both for my Facebook …[MORE]

And Another Thing...

I cannot help noticing all the things that aggravate me in traffic. Day in and day out, I maintain a relatively calm demeanor. I try not to let too much get under my skin, and I’m usually pretty successful in that endeavor as long as I don’t get behind the wheel. Driving on city streets, …[MORE]

Writing Rant

I love short stories. They are perhaps my favorite art form. I read a lot of short stories, and my tastes are omnivorous. I have only two expectations from a short story: One is that it be short; the other is that it tell a story. Is that too much to expect?

When I pick up a …[MORE]

April on My Mind

I’m thinking about taxes today.

In a perfect world, taxes support the general welfare. In exchange for our tithe, we receive police and fire protection, roadways, airports, mail service, and all the rest. These are the underpinnings of a comfortable life, and in my opinion they are well worth the pittance I pay for them.

I consider the …[MORE]

100 [Plus] Words

While I have not been blogging over these past few years, I have not stopped writing entirely. There have been a number of short stories in the works, and I’ve continued playing with some writing exercises. From time to time, I plan to post some of that here.

One of my favorite exercises is 100 Words. The …[MORE]