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April on My Mind

I’m thinking about taxes today.

In a perfect world, taxes support the general welfare. In exchange for our tithe, we receive police and fire protection, roadways, airports, mail service, and all the rest. These are the underpinnings of a comfortable life, and in my opinion they are well worth the pittance I pay for them.

I consider the paying of taxes a civic duty, a duty in which one should take pride. To my way of thinking, shirking that responsibility should be thought of as a character flaw.

Don’t get me wrong: in the real world, most of our taxes disappear into the pockets of the nearest Congressman and I’m well aware of that. I understand the urge to withhold monies that you know are being plundered by the corrupt leadership we’ve nurtured for so long.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask, though, that we find a way to punish the wicked and continue to fund society at the same time. Evading your taxes is childish and self-serving if you’re planning to continue enjoying the comforts of civilization. You cheat us all.

I want fellow citizens and public servants who take pride in the payment of their taxes. I want to see them brag about it. I want tax records to be the first requirement of public office. And I want the parasites that feed on the body politic to know that the knife edge is too good for them. I think a blunt instrument is called for.

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