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It's Alive! Sort of...

This is the first post from the new computer. It’s been every bit the ordeal I feared it would be.

First, of course, there’s all the setup, download, update, register, etc., etc., etc. That’s taken hours all in itself.

Then you go through it all again for the software applications you are actually going to use.

After all those hurdles are clear, there’s the days spent tweaking the default settings on my most used applications. Microsoft’s idea of a functional toolbar is considerably different from my own.

The last, worst enemy, though, may take weeks to vanquish. That’s all the innate, installed, insidious “offers” of crap that keep popping up. This is the most dishonest sort of marketing there is. You get a whole lot of stuff you don’t want, then are at the mercy of mysterious forces in order to get rid of the annoyance.

It’s not enough that Microsoft rules the business world. It’s not enough that their software has highjacked the world’s productivity. It’s not enough to offer you a menu of interesting things you might want, because they’re not really interesting and no one wants them. No, that’s not enough for Microsoft. Pimp they must.

And yes, yes, yes, I know that Apple is better. I love Apple. I’ve owned Apple. I will no doubt own Apple again. But it’s a PC I’m replacing and it’s a PC I need for now.

I love the digital world and I love being connected to it. But Microsoft can bite me.

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