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Worlds Apart

As a white, middle-aged woman who grew up in Texas, I’ve known my share of small town bubbas. I’ve also known plenty of people who prefer to live in gated communities with little racial diversity. I’ve known these people as individuals, so I know that most of them are basically decent people and I won’t …[MORE]

Lesson 22: Blessed Silence

I’m not sure when silence became extinct, but somewhere along the line it seems to have disappeared from daily life.

Once there were great monuments to silence: churches, libraries, museums, lecture halls. Now it seems even these sanctuaries swell with a cacophony of multimedia buzz. Humans themselves are happily paying for the privilege of becoming cyborgs, it …[MORE]

And Another Thing...

I cannot help noticing all the things that aggravate me in traffic. Day in and day out, I maintain a relatively calm demeanor. I try not to let too much get under my skin, and I’m usually pretty successful in that endeavor as long as I don’t get behind the wheel. Driving on city streets, …[MORE]

The Chosen

One of the most dangerous thoughts in the world is that one type of person is inherently better than another.

We see that thought given legitimacy in culture, in religion, in politics, in schools, in our own neighborhoods.

The lines of distinction vary: white is better than black, male is better than female, blonde is better than brunette, Christian …[MORE]

April on My Mind

I’m thinking about taxes today.

In a perfect world, taxes support the general welfare. In exchange for our tithe, we receive police and fire protection, roadways, airports, mail service, and all the rest. These are the underpinnings of a comfortable life, and in my opinion they are well worth the pittance I pay for them.

I consider the …[MORE]

The Leadership Paradox

I’ve just return from a two-day conference where much of the discussion revolved around leadership. It got me thinking about a curious human characteristic that I’ll call the Leadership Paradox.

On the one hand, we all like to think of ourselves as special. We have unique talents to offer. We are all above average. Everyone wants to be treated better than …[MORE]


After less than a year belonging to Facebook, I’m beginning to regret it.

I was one of the last of my circle to get in the game. I pointedly resisted for a long time, but finally I caved. There was just too much going on there that I didn’t want to miss out on. Pictures were posted. Events were hyped. …[MORE]

Do You Want to Live Forever?

A friend recently told me about an interesting podcast he’d heard. The subject was medical advances in the field of human longevity. The premise was that medical and technological advances would soon outpace the extended lifetimes they produced, potentially resulting in a human lifespan of a thousand years or more. In fact it was suggested …[MORE]

The Taste of the Times

Maybe it’s a sign of aging; maybe it’s a sign of the times. Whatever the reason, I’ve begun to lose patience with the American preoccupation with “improving” food products to the point of tastelessness. It seems that good is never good enough. Manufacturers are always looking to cut their costs and extend the shelf life of their …[MORE]


Social Contract—an actual or hypothetical agreement among the members of an organized society that defines and limits the rights and duties of each

I thought I’d include this definition because it seems that the meaning is no longer being instilled by parents or schools. The concept of the social contract is dying a slow and painful death.

Recently, I …[MORE]