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The good news: The rise of the Interwebs means that anyone can publish anything at any time, with virtually no bar at all. The bad news: Ditto.

As a writer, I’ve benefitted directly from this easy access. As a reader, I find in cyberworld frequent cause for literary despair.

I really miss editors.

Almost every day, I find glaring examples of absent editors. One writer says ‘passed’ when he means ‘past’; one uses ‘reign’ when it should be ‘rein’. One mixes metaphors. One buries the lead. All seem to think that any objective review of their composition is quaintly archaic.

They come off looking careless, if not downright ignorant. The impression this sloppy presentation makes on the reader: “I don’t know; and I don’t really care that I don’t know.” Somehow, I don’t think that’s the message they hope to convey.

I once read a blog post intended to reach small business owners. Its purpose was to stress the importance of good business communications. It was poorly written and completely unedited. Whatever market they were attempting to reach should have run screaming from the building after the first paragraph.

Before you ask, no, this blog is not edited. I’ve made every kind of mistake and no doubt will again. But any error that is pointed out will be corrected without the least offense. Please point it out. Such mistakes usually arise from the haste of first draft, but occasionally there’s something I need to learn.

You can be sure, though, that when I write something of import, it is always carefully proofed and edited by me, at the very least. I know how often I omit entire words, mix metaphors, misspell certain words or conflate my thoughts incoherently. If the writing really matters, my own revision is never enough. The material gets passed on to someone else for review and comment before sending. Shop rule: No one proofs their own typesetting. And no good writer serves as their own editor.

You may disagree with what I say, but I hope it’s not the way I say it that leaves you shaking your head. I know the difference between good writing and bad. More importantly, I really care. I hope it shows.

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