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Minding the Civics

I am both eager and tense when I contemplate the upcoming midterm elections. I can’t remember ever being more anxious to cast my vote, and to see how it all comes out.

I have a neighbor who regularly works the polls at election times. While I think that’s an honorable thing to do, I’ve never been tempted to join her. Simply put, it’s just more commitment than I want to make. One day I may feel differently; for now I’m just not ready.

Last week a call went out for local poll watchers on election day. This is voluntary duty, and only for the one day. That, I decided, wasn’t too much to ask. I signed up for the training.

This is something I’ve never done. My only involvement with the election process so far has been to cast my ballot. I’m curious about what the training will entail, and what the long, long day will be like. I have a few misgivings, but over all I’m excited about the new experience.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll turn into one of the ancients who preside over the voter rolls one day. All I’m sure of is that my personal vote will be cast early and with great zeal. On election day, I’ll just be watching.

I’ve never been more excited about an election before, but I know there’s a future election coming that will get me even more motivated than this one. I’ll bet you can guess what year that will be.

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