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Settling for Next Best

What’s Plan B?

That can be the most important question, and one that is often not asked.

A few years back, my golden retriever hurt a leg. Since she was clearly impaired and seemed to be in pain, we went off to the vet. After a thorough physical exam, the vet diagnosed a torn ACL.

“We can fix that,” she says. “It’ll cost about $3,000.”

“What’s Plan B?” I asked.

Her disapproval was evident, but she did answer me. She suggested pain medication and keeping the dog as inactive as possible to give it time to heal naturally.

Guess which one I chose?

Don’t get me wrong. I adored my dog, and when massive vet bills were called for, she got all the help money could buy. But seriously…an ACL surgery for a dog?

The pain medication provided comfort and nature performed its usual healing miracle. In short time, my dog was fine and so was my pocketbook.

Just because someone offers a solution doesn’t mean it’s the best solution or even the only solution. Do they have something to gain from the recommendation? Have they given you all the options?

The burden is on us to ask: What’s Plan B?

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