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...And Then a Bunch of Stuff Happened

If you look at the most recent post below, you might notice that it was dated several years ago.
I’ve been busy.

The motivating factor behind that last piece was the offer of a district officer position with Toastmasters. It was a year-long commitment, so not one I made lightly. It also required more skills than I had to offer, but I didn’t let that stop me. The whole point was personal growth.

Shortly after accepting that responsibility, two other things happened. First, I got recruited to serve as a conference chair. This was a major undertaking that I was certainly not up to, but I had a year to grow into the challenge. And just after saying yes to that, a much desired job offer came my way.

This is what is called an embarrassment of riches.

So I went off on an adventure with every intention of returning here, soon and often. So much for intentions.

But I’ve come back, because I missed this and because it’s what I really love to do.

I hope you’ll come back too.

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